Laboratoire de Recherche pour les Sciences de l’Agronomie et de la Biologie

Les objectifs de notre recherche sont de deux ordres :

1. Etude des exportations de marques.
2. Etudes de marchés potentiels.
3. Caractérisations des faiblesses de marchés établis.
4. Focus sur le marché du vin.

1. Etude des cultures annuelles et pluriannuelles.
2. Etude des cultures annuelles des légumineuses  médicinales.
3. Etude des culture mixtes.

En conséquence des présentes recherches et de celles à venir, des recommandations concernant ces domaines sont proposées.

Laboratory for Research in Sciences of Agronomy and Biology

The aims of our research apply at two levels:

1. Studies of brand exportations.
2. Studies of potentials markets.
3. Characterization of established markets'weaknesses.
4. Focus on wine market.

1. Study of the annual and perennial cultures of plants.
2. Study of the medicinal annual leguminous
3. Study of  mixed cultures.

As a result of these and future researches, recommandations regarding these domains are suggested.

Лаборатория Научных Исследований в
области Агрономии и Биологии

Направления наших исследований:

1 Изучение экспорта брендов.
2. Изучение потенциальных рынков.
3 Характеристика недостатков в сформировавшихся рынках.
Акцент на рынке вина.

1. Изучение однолетних и многолетних кормовых бобовых трав.
2. Изучение лекарственных однолетних бобовых трав.
3. Изучение смесей бобово-злаковых культур.

В результате этих и будущих исследований предлагаются рекомендации для каждого из изучаемых направлений.

TITLE :  Pilot study – Comparative analysis for EE consumers vs WE producers regarding wines
REF :  
LARSAB-rapint-pilot study - comparative EEconsumers vs WEproducers (Fr) ind00
Language : 

TITLE :  Analyse des négoces, productions et consommations de vins: approche macroscopique de l’ex-Union Soviétique et focus sur un pays
REF :  
LARSAB-rapint-analysis wine EEconsumers (Fr) ind00
Language : French

TITLE : Incongruent Brands
REF : LARSAB-rapint-incongruent brands ind03
Language : English

TITLE :  Foreign Migration of Brands : Intersubjective structure of trust
REF : LARSAB-rapint-an FMB intersubj struct trust ind00
Language : English

TITLE : Analysis of consumption on East European market: the case of white sparkling wines
REF : LARSAB-rapint-taste sessions spark white wines ind00
Language : English

TITLE : Consumption on East European market for sparkling white wines: statistical power analysis of experiments
REF : LARSAB-rapint-an stat wines taste ind00
Language : English

TITLE : Consumers’ behavior analysis:  contribution of the SEBE
REF : LARSAB-rapint-SEBE expW01 ind00
Language : English

TITLE : Analysis of East European market: the case of West European white sparkling wines
REF : LARSAB-rapint-price spark white wines ind00
Language : English

TITLE : Socio-demographic analysis: consumers’ expenditures for food in East Europe and focus on Belarus
REF : LARSAB-rapint-sociodemo spark white wines ind00
Language : English

TITLE:  Foreign Migration of Brands: Psycholinguitics problems and Intersubjectivity implications
REF : LARSAB-rapint-an FMB psycholing-intersubj ind00
Language : English

TITLE : Organizational study of a goat robotised farm with the aim of food experimentation
REF : LARSAB-STUR02 ind 00
Language : English

TITLE : Effects of retardant on winter triticale varieties
REF : LARSAB-STUR01 ind 00
Language : English

TITLE : Introducing plants in middle France : preliminary study for feasibility
REF : LARSAB-SR02 ind 00
Language : English

TITLE : 2010 State of cultures in middle France
REF : LARSAB-SR01 ind 00
Language : English
Fauquet-Alekhine, P., & Fauquet-Alekhine-Pavlovskaia, E. (2016)
Foreign Migration of Brands Discussed under the Light of
Intersubjectivity Perspective: Illustration with a Case of Food Products.
British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade, 15(2), 1-22,  
Article no.BJEMT.29292

Fauquet-Alekhine, Ph.; Fauquet-Alekhine-Pavlovskaya, E.; Gobbo, A. (2014)
Innovative Subjective Evidence-Based Ethnography applied to
food consumer’s behavior: the case of wine,

International Interdisciplinary Business-Economics Advancement Conference
(IIBA 2014, Istanbul)

Fauquet-Alekhine-Pavlovskaya, E. ; Nesterova, I. (2013)
 Fenugreek in the Ecological Areas of Belarus and France,

Proc. of the International Conference on Agricultural,
Biotechnology,Biological and Biosystems Engineering
Venezia, IT, 15-16 Aug. 2013, 80, 287-291

Fauquet-Alekhine, Ph.; Fauquet-Alekhine-Pavlovskaia, E. (2013)
The Intersubjective Dynamic regarding
Commercial Failures of
Foreign Migration of  
Brands in Food Industry.  
Proc. of the International Conference on Agricultural,
Biotechnology,Biological and Biosystems Engineering
Venezia, IT, 15-16 Aug. 2013, 80, 280-286

Фоке-Алехина-Павловская Е.А., Нестерова И.М.
как Альтернативная Культура в Кормопроизводстве./
Аграрная наука – сельскому хозяйству: сборник статей: в 3 кн. /
VIII Международная научно-практическая конференция (6-7 февраля 2013 г.).
Барнаул: РИО АГАУ, 2013. Кн. 2. С. 263-264.

Fauquet-Alekhine-Pavlovskaia, E.(1), Nesterova, I. M. (2)
(1) Laboratory for Research in Science of Agonomy & Biologie, Montagret, France
(2) Belarussian State Agricultural Academy, Gorki, Belarus
Agronomic test of fenugreek as alternative crop. Proceedings of the
European Society of Agronomy Congress (ESA 2012),
Helsinki, Finland, Aug. 20-24, 2012

Fauquet-Alekhine, Ph.; Fauquet-Alekhine-Pavlovskaia, E.
Linguistic False Friends and Expected Food Markets: What can Make Consumers
Not Choose Your Product?
Proceedings of the  XIIIth Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists,
EAAE ETH Zurich – Switzerland, August 30 - September 2, 

Fauquet-Alekhine-Pavlovskaya, E.; Alekhine, J.
Reaction of different winter triticale varieties on application of retardant.
Proceedings of the XI e European Society of Agronomy Congress, AGRO2010 –
Montpellier (France), Aug. 29 - Sept. 03, 2010

Rapports de recherche - Research reports - Исследовательские отчеты 

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