
Master International Agribusiness
Doctor in Agronomy

Member-researcher and co-founder of the  Laboratory for Research in Sciences of Agronomy and of Biology.

Experience & Training 

Master International Agribusiness, Ecole Supérieure d'Agriculture, Angers, France
Doctor of Agronomic Science (Speciality: Plant growing), National Academy of Science of Belarus, Jodino, Belarus
Research work in Formation Establishment «Belarussian State Agricultural Academy» (Gorky, Belarus)
Diploma from Republican unitary enterprise - the Scientific and practical center for arable farming of National Academy of Science of Belarus(Jodino)

Since 2009
Member-researcher et co-founder of the Laboratory for Research in Sciences of Agronomy and of Biology (France).
Wine Sale & Marketing, France & International: see

Teacher at the department of botany and manufacture of forages at the Formation Establishment  « Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine » (Vitebsk, Belarus).
Researches in the field of annual and long-term fodder and field cultures within the limits of the general sujects of researches of Chair. Work on introduction of new lesson methods for the subject « Botany »  for the specializations. Working out of the program for a new subject «Farmakognozija»  for a speciality «Pharmacist of veterinary medicine». Cooperation with Formation Establishment «Vitebsk Medical University»  at writing the program of the course of subject and for the textbook. Lectures for experts of agricultural branch in problems of cultivation of grain and leguminous cultures.
  Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine   

Vice-director of industrial practice work at the Formation Establishment «Vitebsk State Technological College»  (Vitebsk, Belarus).
Teacher of botany.

Manager of the methodical department at the Formation Establishment «Vitebsk State Technological College » (Vitebsk, Belarus)
Teacher of botany. Management of the publishing centre.
Research and working out* for introduction of new techniques of teaching in college. Cooperation with publishing centers of leading universities of the region*. Working out and introduction of new curricula and specializations on full and reduced training programs.
*Partnership with : Formation Establishment (FE) « Université de Pédagogie d’Etat de Vitebsk », FE «Université de Technologie d’Etat de Vitebsk », FE «Université d’Etat Biélorusse de Technologie » (Minsk), FE « Académie d’Etat Biélorusse d’Agriculture » (Gorky).

Manager of the correspondence branch at the Formation Establishment «Mstislavl State Building Professional College» 
(Mstislavl, Belarus). 
Teacher of information technology and environment and energy savings.

Teacher of Department of botany and microbiology, vice-manager of the faculty at the Formation Establishment «Belarussian State Agricultural Academy» (Gorky, Belarus).
Researches in the field of grain winter crops.

Belarussian State Agricultural Academy (
Gorky, Belarus)


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